Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Angels in the E. R.

December 25, 2021

What “the news” has published about that Rock Hill doctor killing (Robert Lesslie) — reads like 100% cock and bull.  Nothing checks.  None of the dogs hunt. 

That black guy was supposedly found dead in his parents’ home.  Well okay.  If he was gonna off himself after the murders, why did he carry himself back to his daddy’s house?  Makes no sense.

What does make sense is for “them” to foster more division and race hatred. Divided we fall, people. Ignore that shit. And of course, then howl about tighter gun control legislation. Same old tack.

The cops had zero details when it would have been a no-brainer to say who the suspect was if they were telling truth.  Somebody needed time to get their lie straight.  Reads like a cover-up for an assassination.  They gotta kill everybody in the house because they saw the shooters.  The guys in the yard too (just like Steve Earl Parent).  They were HVAC guys.  One of them tried to make a run for it and they shot him in the back.  I seriously doubt that he will get out alive. 

In the mean time they can put any words in his mouth they choose.  Whose gonna refute it?  Whose gonna prove it?  They have a new law that nobody can accompany a patient into hospitals any more.  Wonder why?  A bogus virus?  B.S. 

I believe his books and radio interviews are the reason Lesslie got in the cross-hairs.  And because he sounds like a sincere, God-fearing, Jesus-loving soul.  I listened to his interviews before they took his web site down.  Those kinds of men are not allowed to practice medicine.  Only commie-fearing, Christ-renouncers are.

And another thing.  There was an old coot who conveniently claimed to have seen a black man leaving Dr. Lesslie’s house after the killings.  For sure.  He said he was in his 80’s and working on Lesslie’s property.  For sure.  And he claimed  to have been within line of sight of these killings.  Yet nobody picked him off.  He suspiciously named 4 people shot.  Yet he would not have been able to see who was inside the house. 

There were only two men outside the house working on the HVAC unit.  They were killed for obvious reasons.  Why didn’t the old coot get shot?  Since he was outside the house?  I believe the second 911 call was a fabrication to back the lie about a suspect.  Notice how the land-scaper’s 911 call was not mentioned when this news broke.  Of course not.  That is how you can tell this is B.S.

I read Lesslie’s web site and listened to his numerous interviews with radio stations.  Within 24 hours they had taken it down an put up a fake, re-designed web site complete with photo-shopped images of him.  The two kids in the photo are likely the ones they gunned down.  They wanna rub your nose into what they can get away with.  If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, the time is high for you to know your enemy. Our Muslim brothers have known since 1947. And the Germans, long before then. Don’t panic. They sunk the Titanic.

They have falsified Lesslie’s name in public records, taken down his original web site and deleted all his radio interviews.  They don’t want people looking up his address.  But I got it anyway.  Check this place out.  Typical doctor’s house.  Way off the main road.  Fenced and gated.,+Rock+Hill,+SC+29730/@34.8522468,-81.0592718,527m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x8856623753e1f82b:0x44d382b4a8dcff6d!8m2!3d34.8522468!4d-81.0585637


February 24, 2018


The way this is done is to install a “normal american family” in a town where their damage control will be required in the future.  Such, for example, as the ones who recently popped up as interviewees to explain away the accusations of “conspiracy theorists.”


I write of the recent blood-bath at Parkland, Florda.  Smoke bombs and gas masks are convenient covers for somebody’s face.  Sniping through school windows and picking off students has a signature about it.  Guess who it points to?  Guess hard.


Upon reading the better reportage, I get a panorama.  After the carnage, here come what appears to me as those who have been schooled and groomed and briefed to say exactly what they say.  Those who were installed years ago for something that was planned years ago.  Like 9/11, it was cooked up long before it happenend.  The rigging involved a lot of sayanim.  Still at war, america?  With whom?


Ever heard of “sleeper cells?”  They are enemy agents who have been installed in your community to act like normal citizens.  They could be your neighbors or co-workers.  Until one day when they spring into action to begin their work as the enemy within your gates.


School shoot’um-ups have a clear agenda:  “hand over your guns, america, or your kid is next.”  The marxists always try to disarm a nation before they seize control.  No-brainer, that one.  If you are stupid enough to hand over your guns, you can be certain that guns will be pointed at you afterwards.  And not some half-kick AR-15’s either.


Like the rappers belt from their diaries of the streets, “rrrrrrrrrrrraaaa…”  Those lads appear to be the few men with guts enough to stand up to what ails us.  They ain’t handin’ over their uzi’s.  That is because their ghetto is already hell.  They had to cut their teeth on kill or be killed.  Not all of them are from the devil.  Ask Ralo LaFlare and Durk Banks.  Or my first Navy roomate from the Bronx.  They know better than trust “the man.”  It has taken me some time.  But I finally learned who “the man” is.


Back to Parkland.  How are those ballistics coming, Mister Coroner?


















33 Countries Shout

December 5, 2017


¡  Viva Cristo Rey  !





Cuba …

December 18, 2015


Our navy lives there why?





Dylann Roof

June 25, 2015

Please note the formulaic pattern in this murder spree.  Same old same old hat.  A shtick.


This “Dylann Roof” character looks like a plant job.  An israeli agent perhaps?  He looks very jewish.  His name looks contrived.  He looks contrived.  Like the numerous others who did a similar job for the man behind the curtain.


What is clear is that this massacre was done to foment racial division and hatred.  It is a pretext for seizing the free man’s weapons.  Predictably the puppet in the white house (boy do I miss the Kennedy brothers) whines about gun control.  He is such a flaming commie.  A front man with no soul.


Why look for black rapists in church, Mr. Roof?  Lame premise for your murder spree.  Are you israeli?  Are you hypnotized?  Black people are not taking over our country.  They are victimized and exploited by you bastards.  Like Mexican girls who work in your sweat shops and end up in snuff movies.


Get the pattern down.  Anadarko.  Oslo.  Virginia Tech.  Sandy Hook.  The jewish-looking theatre clown.  Makes you wonder if all those “shooters” and “gunmen” that supposedly were found criminally insane are living in a villa in Costa Rica.  Or like those white van jews who got caught celebrating 9/11 — spirited back to israel.  Just because they tell you on TV that a murderer went to prison does not mean that he actually went to prison.  You have no way to prove where he went.  All you got is TV.  They should rename it to “the lying idiot box.”


Note how this bozo had a post-action manifesto conveniently posted on Face Book.  Just like all the others.  Please tell me that you have not swallowed this like a big mouth bass.



Damage Control

May 18, 2015

That’s what I call it when suddenly labels change from “Made in China” to “Made in the USA.”


If that was true then where are all the new manufacturing plants that give jobs to Americans?  Made in the USA you say?  Okay, where in the USA?  I figure that many new American jobs would make front page news.


Then there comes this new web-apedia calling itself “Conservapedia.”  In it one can read lip service about how it opposes the “hear-say” of the wikipedia.  Reads like more tare’ish damage control.  If there is anyone who needs damage control for his dirty deeds, it is the tare of our fields.


They have a plethora of “news papers” claiming to oppose the rampant filth of our day.  This is simply controlled opposition.  A kind of judas goat for people who own little knowledge.  That way they can be steered over a cliff without them knowing it until they are in a free fall.  Gullible innocents who depend on windbags from the pulpit for their weekly dose of “guidance.”  God help them.  More judas goats leading astray the flocks.  Those windbags are on the payroll of the tares.


Advice:  if you want guidance, learn Latin and read the Latin Vulgate of St. Jerome.  Latin is not a dead language.  It is the language of the Church of St. Peter the Rock.  If you do not have time to learn Latin, then read the 1611 King James Bible from cover to cover.  The King James Bible is God’s damage control for what Henry did to His Church.  You will then own the knowledge that outranks bullshit.


Just Busted

April 9, 2015

Cops are out of control.  One got caught in the act of shooting a man in the back.  Rapid fire.  Then he had the gall to hand-cuff a corpse.  One of the Charleston brothers happened to catch the whole thing on video.  The videographer asked to remain anonymous.  He knows the crooked cops would hunt him down.

I have been there with these mercenary attack dogs of the neo-bolsheviks.  To my experience they have gone to hell.  They turn a blind eye to crime in my town.  And harass good Christian people instead.

This time one of them shot the wrong man in the back.  How about it johnny law?  How does it feel to be “busted.”  Caught in the act.
All you protesters out there, I’m with you.  100%

Here’s the YouTube:

Missing Damage

April 1, 2015

There was an entry I made in 2010 that was mysteriously whited out.  They left the title, *Damage*, along with a footnote and software coded the text as white with a white background.  Only upon highlighting it during editing mode, would it show up.  How strange.  They try everything.  Smiley face.

So here is the text again.  As I know there is something in it they did not want you to read.  Prolly something I wrote about aircraft.  As I doubt if murders in the backwoods rate concern.  People have gotten so far away from loving their neighbors as themselves, they don’t seem to give a dam.

Here are the deleted scenes:

There are certain things we don’t know.  Like what kind of drug earned Mr. Hershman his present address at the county jail.  It had to be more than a marijuana cigarette.  Wouldn’t you think?
Hershman’s 27-year-old estranged wife, Stephanie, had his two sons back-to-back.  One was three and the other not quite two.  Makes for a busy household I’d say.  Whilst one was in diapers, the next was on the way.
Two toddlers can make houses into hampers.  There needs to be a strong draw, lest a suitor scampers.  Whatever it was that lured U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Matthew V. Perkins into the arms of Stephanie Hershman had to be that.  A strong draw.
He was the Army Recruiter of the town.  A high-visibility military post that enjoys prestige and hero-worship.  He wore the status of returning warrior with tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan.  His arms are covered in “Billy-Bad-Ass” tattoos.  His job is to lure gullible high school boys into  signing on the dotted line for Israel.  He needs to cut a nice figure.  Be in good physical condition.  Be credible.  Be sharp.  The U.S. military conducts routine urinalysis exams to ensure     that this is how it is and how it stays.
Thereby I find it unlikely and untenable that here comes a man fresh from the battle-field to an important career-enhancing post who just nilly-willy takes up a drug habit.  All of a sudden.  Why would he brave two battle fronts and then shoot himself in the foot with C CH CH(CH 3 )NH(CH 3 )?  Methamphetamine turns bodies into wreckage in no slow show.
Perkins had a lot on the stick.  And a lot to lose.  Why not just knock back a little booze?  His office was located  between George Dickel and Jack Daniels distilleries.  Damn boy.  Why crystal meth?  Just go over to Daddy Billy’s and have a few beers.
Maybe he wasn’t into drinkin’.  So I got to thinkin’.  About horses.  When I’m in a quandary, I think about horses.  Sometimes an equine analogy that helps me makes sense of things.
Horses and I — see eye to eye.  I love them and they love me.  I don’t need to take up a whip to make a pony do the high-step.  He does it just to impress me.  And I give him the candied apple of my smile.  That’s how it is with me and horses.  And has been for a while.
Okay, so you throw in an apple or two with his oats and molasses.  Now he wears you weightless with a skirt of tasses.  And the grooming.  The one-plus hour sessions in the barn where I break a sweat while they lull and bathe in the fragrance of last summer’s hay.  That is the way.  You get out of a horse what you put into him.  Like attracts like.  You give love.  You get love.
Conversely, however, if you abuse a horse and kick him around.  One day he will kick you back.  Horses are formidable kickers.  Not everybody treats a horse like I do.  Not even close.  It breaks my heart but that is reality.
As a realist I’ll take you now to the shows, the races.  Where men go to win.  For the athlete horses who run their races and dazzle in their shows — anything goes.  These ruthless, rabid people will resort to any dirty trick in the book to win.
The foremost edge is an injection of amphetamine.  It hops them up.  Gives them the charge beyond charge that propels them down the track.  As if a good horse isn’t rocket enough.  It’s about winning, winning, winning.  By a nose.  By a hair.  Just winning.
Now let’s go to the battle field.  You’re losing your ass.  Getting it handed to you in spades.  The assigned enemy believes in his fight.  You are making war on his land and he knows it better than you.  Like those Confederates and the Swamp Fox.  They will not only fight you to the death, but they have a home-turf advantage.
Your supply lines are iffy.  Big Money wants to win in a jiffy.  He doesn’t mean tomorrow.  He wanted to win yesterday.  He doesn’t care about that race horse or know him personally.  If he loses one more race he’s off to the slaughter-house.  He doesn’t care if the horse is only two years old.  Off with his head.  He’ll put it in your bed, General.
Your Big Money Boss wants to gloat in glory.  He doesn’t care about those soldier boys.  Or whether they come back with a dog-tag or a toe-tag.  He just wants to win.
The Tactical Mind:  If I was losing a war under great pressure and fear of my over-lords, I might resort to a dirty trick.  You can give a soldier methamphetamine and he will stay awake for days while the enemy has to sleep.  Wired and full of crazy aggression, your forces can sneak up on sleeping Pashtuns and cut their throats.
Crystal meth has the same effect as ergot mushrooms did for Vikings.  Before a raid, Vikings ate them for boosted vim and aggression.  They went berserk. It is how they got their name “berserkers.”  They were noisy frontal attackers, clanging battle-axes, these braided Beowulf’s.
Silence, however, would serve today’s losing officer in Afghanistan’s fight.  Just ask Boeing Aerospace.  They make monstrous muted jets you can’t hear even with your rag-top down and them just a little over your head.  Way-low.  Nocturnal stealth is everything to a hunting owl.  And silence has its place when people are sleeping.  Particularly those you plan on killing.  There is a fine line between predation and war.
Given that the men in charge of today’s “War on Terror” are advancing world terrorism for Israel, anything goes.  9/11 sure did.  It’s a false-flag warfare extravaganza.
So, that said, I see a possibility for Stephanie Hershman’s draw-factor.  She may have had a taste for drugs, seeing as her estranged spouse is in the slammer for them.  Since birds of a feather seek each other out, she may have attracted our returning battle-ax with something other than two toddlers.  What it was may or may never come out in the Jewish-owned and controlled media.
That meth was a factor in this horrendous multiple murder case is on the street.  I was just thinking about the “why and how” of it.  Police say that the murders occurred on 19 September 2010.  That’s a Sunday.
A plausible scenario is this one.  Perkins is in the Hershman house.  One or both of the toddlers might have been fussy, whiney or crying.  The psy-op of a baby crying was used to torment the besieged, soon-to-be victims of the Waco inferno.  Toddlers and babies can sometimes test the nerves of their loving parents.  On 19 September, you not only have a non-parent in the house with these children, but possibly a hopped-up soldier.
Feels like we are supposed to think that he snapped and went into kill-mode.  Would it include carving out the victim’s eyes?  Unlikely.  When this news broke, I felt corralled to think that Perkins went berserk.  But now five years have passed and there have been other heinous murders in the same area.  They all happened after Perkins had been removed from society.
Some of the murders became cold case files.  Rape/murder cases, garroted widow…  Two other murder cases sent unlikely convictions to prison.  According to the relative of one victim, the cops arrested a Mexican alien who could not speak English.  They accused him of raping and drugging to death the victim with fentanyl patches.  Unlikely.  The other unlikely conviction was a family man with five children who had no apparent motive.  He was under heavy guard until they locked him away in prison.  They allowed him no contact with objective, independent journalists during his time in county jails.  His mail was intercepted at the prison with no reply to the sender.
Given that rape/murder and pedophiliac snuff films are big business these days, with easy video gadgets, imagine the possibilities.  One horse towns and rural hinterlands are no longer wholesome places to raise your kids.  Corruption and depravity rule the streets.

The Pope Defined

March 9, 2015

It is not only the half-baked offshoots of what once was — who are getting dive-bombed by the father of lies.  Not only they are threatened with “my way or the highway.”  This fungus is universal.

The current “pope” is clearly a sold-out installation whose task it is  to lead astray the Faithful.  God helps us, don’t you worry.  Here is what a true priest had to say about it back in 1976:

“People ask me what I think of the Pope [Paul VI]…  The true Pope is the unity of the Church, inspired by the Holy Ghost, and protected by the promise of Our Lord in upholding the Faith.  But in the aftermath of Vatican II, Paul VI is systematically destroying the Church.  Nothing is spared: catechism, universities, Congregations, seminaries, schools.  Everything Catholic is being destroyed.  One looks for a solution.”  — Arch Bishop Lefebvre  (Source for quote:  Bishop Richard Williamson)

News Clip

August 4, 2014

Here’s a news clip from 1951:


“Baghdad, Iraq, 18 June 1951 (AP) – Police said today they had discovered large quantities of weapons and explosives in Izra Daoud Synagogue. Military sources estimated it was enough to dynamite all Baghdad.”


Beaty, John.  The Iron Curtain Over America.  1952.  (page 217)